Presbyterian Men

Presbyterian Men

From the moment you arrive at Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church, you’ll be greeted and welcomed by a congregation eager to make you feel part of a cohesive community.

Blending traditional scripture, prayer and liturgy with relevant Biblically based topics, Mallard Creek is a place where you can rediscover and strengthen your faith. Dress as you like and explore a full morning of worship from the 8:30 am service to the 10:30 am service with fellowship in between.

Children are welcome to worship in Sunday services. If you value time to worship without the demands of little ones, your child will be safe and lovingly cared for in the nursery located just below the sanctuary. Free childcare is offered for infants through toddlers age two.

Contact Us
Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church
1600 W. Mallard Creek Church Road
Charlotte, NC 28262
(704) 547-0038