Ways That We Care
In the PCUSA, Deacons are the spiritual leaders charged with the care of others within the local congregation. At MCPC, our Deacons provide hands on support with memorial services, serve The Lord’s Supper to our members who are homebound or who reside in a care facility, and regularly visit members who are in special need of compassionate care.

Prayer is a foundational expression of care within our faith. We pray for and pray with others as a means of encouraging one another in our life of faith. We benefit from the act of prayer, whether we are the one who offers prayer or the one who receives prayer. At MCPC we maintain a prayer list with the names of persons who request intentional prayer. We also have a team of persons whose ministry is that of regularly engaging in prayer for others. In addition, our pastors are available to pray with you either by office appointment or in your home. If you have a prayer request, you may contact the church office by phone or email. Prayer request cards are also located in the front of the red pew registry books and may be placed in the offering plate during Sunday worship.
Pastoral Care
Our Transitional Associate Pastor can offer pastoral care and counseling to our congregation and community members. Please contact the church office (704-547-0038) for support.

Congregational Care Committee
Mallard Creek Congregational Care Committee provides care, concern, prayer and support for families and individuals in special need and at various stages, places, and circumstances of life. We also engage the congregation in service and compassion for one another. The focus of the Congregational Care Ministry is to respond to the care and support needs of our members and friends and to engage the congregation in the ongoing spiritual, physical, emotional and relational expression of living faithfully within the Body of Christ. Some of the ways we provide care are:
- Reconnecting with inactive members
- Supporting new members
- Prayer ministry
- Informal Support Groups
- Assistance with specific needs
- Comfort meals
- Nursing Home, Care Facility, and Homebound visitation
- Grief and crisis support
- Care packages to college students and deployed