Summer Sermon Series: Generous Hearts
This photo is from one of our mission trips to Camp Grier. Such experiences are direct and profound experiences of the power of generosity. We give of ourselves, but find that we leave, not depleted, but enriched, fuller, and more in tune with whom we are to be.
Generosity is a golden thread woven throughout the scriptures. God calls all of God’s people to meet the world with generosity and grace. We find it in deeply entrenched in Torah, for both Leviticus and Deuteronomy mandate that the covenant people lead their lives with an eye for the neediest of all, making sure there will be enough for all those desperately in need. These mandates flow from God himself—a God who is known for God’s generosity, emptying God’s heart for the sake of creation and us within it. We truly live by the grace of God. Christ embodied this generosity, offering the entirety of his life for the sake of others, redeeming the world from all forms of alienation, isolation, and separation caused when we cease to be generous.
This summer, our Sunday sermons will explore this whole idea of generosity and generous spirits. We will learn more of what God calls us to practice and the way in which God intends for us to live—giving, sharing, and blessing all, finding the deep and powerful blessing of God.
Join us!