Sunday Worship
Beginning October 18, worship will move back into the sanctuary, 1000 am, for one service only each week. Please see Guidelines below.
Masks are mandatory—if you cannot wear a mask, please do not attend
If you are not feeling well, even slightly, please do not attend
Practice social distancing within the pews:
6-8 persons per pew
immediate family members may sit together
non-family groups who are in close contact with one another may sit together, but must enter as a single
We can accommodate 100 PEOPLE safely inside the sanctuary. The number will be evaluated weekly depending on attendance.
Overflow will be in the Fellowship Hall to watch service on TV.
Folks who wish to be at church, but separated from the crowd, may bring their own chairs and sit in the gym. A TV will be set up in the gym as well. This is a variation on folks sitting in cars at outdoor worship. An officer will need to be in the Activity Building if folks are present. We will not unlock the Activity Building until we need to when someone requests to be seated there.
Pastors Rob and Alison, and Andrea will be stopping in with folks in the Fellowship Hall and Gym to pray and greet