A Note from Pastor Rob – November Newsletter
We enter our second pandemic Stewardship Season still recovering. We made it through the late summer resurgence, and
now are looking ahead to the coming holidays, feeling hopeful and hoping for a joyous break from all the past year and a
half met us with. There is much for which to be thankful as we turn into November.
With that in mind, consider what you are thankful for—make a list, read through it more than a couple of times—the signs
are there that God is good and grace abounds. We still have much good news to share with the world around us.
Consider how you might be a part of that at church—
How might you support our missions this year?
Room in the Inn needs you; Gracious Hands Transitional Housing needs you; our
mission team needs you as we plan for our summer work trip; and all our partners need
How might you support our ministries this year?
Our faith formation needs both students and teachers; our young people need
chaperones and meal preppers; our youngest children need caregivers; and so on
Our music program can always use new voices, ringers, and instrumentalists
Our worship needs congregants, readers, and folks offering prayer and praise
Have you ever thought about being an officer?
We need folks to check in on other folks, seeing how they are and what they need
You might not be able to be physically present, but you can always participate by giving to help defray costs and pay the
bills. You can offer your prayers and support of the staff. You can pass along invitations to join us in any of our projects
and times together.
Again, use a list of thanksgivings to help you find your gateway into giving. I often feel inspired to go deeper with a
group or a person for whom I feel especially grateful.
Thinking this way also helps us always know the goodness and graciousness of God. Every moment, there is something
for which to feel thankful. The blessings of God are never far away or out of reach. Usually, they are quite near at hand—
present in the simple things all around us.
The psalmist reminded us—
Give thanks to God, for God is good and God’s steadfast love endures forever.