An Image of Mercy
An Image of Mercy
For me, this image from Talladega over the weekend says as much as a million sermons on the compassion, grace, and mercy of Jesus.
Richard Petty is more than an icon in the sport of stock car racing. He is called “The King” for so many reasons that one would be at a complete loss to name them all. But he is every bit a human being. That humanity comes out of him when he speaks and as he makes his way through the world. It certainly rises to the fore as he cares for his driver, Bubba Wallace. His care and concern for Mr. Wallace is real, sure, and certain. Mr. Wallace is no mere employee, a cog in the enterprise of a race team. His is a person.
May we respond to one another with similar kindness, compassion, and grace. Then we will truly be following in the footsteps of Jesus—
Whoever offers even a cup of water to one of these little ones in the name of even a disciple of mine will get their reward.
—Matthew 10:42