Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is upon us, and this year it seems more timely than ever. Ash Wednesday is a moment when we confront our mortality, remembering that we are dust, and to dust, we shall return, as the liturgy intones. We are passing. We are fallible. We are fragile.
With war raging in Ukraine, the pandemic becoming an endemic, and the world itself seeming to tottering beneath us, such observations seem inescapable. We need to recognize the limitations of being human.
But we also need hope. We need to know that there is something more, something else. Ash Wednesday is when we hear again God’s affirmation of our created goodness despite all the mess and malarkey that accompanies human existence. God has not let go. God WILL NOT let go. God stubbornly stays with us. God seeks our transformation and our transcendence.
Join with us as we commemorate this wonderfully complicated moment. Drive thru ashes, Noon to 100 pm; an Ash Wednesday Vespers Service at 700 pm.