End of Academic Year Celebrations
My, what a year this has been! Our kids and teens at MCPC have persevered through an academic year fraught with uncertainty, instability, and isolation. While we maintained a schedule of meeting online or in person at least twice per month for Youth Club and Teen Fellowship, having an infrequent schedule made sustaining relationships and our faith life as a community difficult. But let me tell you, we have some strong and resilient kids and teens at Mallard Creek. I have had the great blessing of watching these young folks grow throughout the course of this pandemic. They have adapted consistently without complaint. They have intentionally reached out to one another to maintain connection outside of structured activity times. And they have wrestled with the reality of the world we live in now and chosen to deepen their faith and relationships with God and one another. They have consistently and unequivocally chosen love. And I am so proud.
We were so blessed and lucky that Gov. Cooper loosened mask restrictions for outdoor gatherings right before our end of year celebrations. So our Youth Club got to have a mask-free Slip-n-Slide wiffle ball party, and our teens got to have a normal pool party. We had the biggest groups of the year at both events, and we had a blast. The parent volunteers that make these events happen are absolutely incredible and always willing and passionate to serve. We are so blessed at Mallard Creek. God is present, and the Spirit is working. What a joy to serve these young folks.
–Andrea Thomas, Director of Children and Youth Ministries