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10:30 AM Easter Worship

You’re invited to come and celebrate the Ressurection of Jesus with us in our sanctuary at 10:30 am. This is a traditional worship service for all ages. We will have childcare for those 4 and under.

Sunday is Easter! It is the pinnacle of the Christian year—the celebration of the miracle of the Resurrection and God’s victory over the power death to make life meaningless. Christ rose. There is hope. There is always hope. There is always another moment, another chance, and another opportunity. In the light of resurrection, there are no lost causes, things beyond repair, or irreconcilable outcomes.

But that good news can be hard to accept. We know of too many instances when life was simply dark, when someone or something seemed beyond redemption, and hopes dash, dreams collapse, and possibilities vanish.

That seemed to be the state of the women at the tomb as St Mark tells their story (16:1-8). Overwhelmed by the reality of an empty tomb, they cannot hear the words of the angel, and they run away, convinced a complete desecration has occurred. They can see no light in their darkness.

Yet, here we are 2000 years later, celebrating Easter, so something overcame their inability to accept what happened. Come and see what that might be this Easter.

Join us in person this Sunday


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