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Back to School Sunday

Join us on August 25th at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary at Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church or watch live on our website (mallardcreekchurch.org) or Facebook page (@MallardCreekPC) for our Back-to-School Sunday!

Back-to-School Sunday is a day to honor and bless all the demanding work that goes into making this school year meaningful for our students, parents, educators, and preschool staff. We invite students of all ages to bring their backpacks for a special blessing. We also invite all educators, school support staff, and MCPC Preschool staff to join us for a special recognition and blessing.
We will be collecting donations for our MCPC Preschool and for the ministry of Backpack Blessings. Bring donations on August 25th or drop off at the church or preschool. Please bring any of the following items to donate and support these important ministries:

For the MCPC Preschool:

  • Ziploc baggies (all sizes)
  • Softsoap hand soap (small ones and refills)
  • Hand sanitizer (squirt bottles and refills)
  • Baby wipes
  • Cleaning supplies: Bleach, Clorox wipes, Lysol spray
  • Old towels to use to wipe down playground equipment.
  • Magic Erasers

For Backpack Blessings:

  • Oatmeal, grits, cereal (boxes of individual packages)
  • Cereal bars, granola bars, fruit grain bars
  • Individual fruit cups/applesauce/fruit snacks
  • Canned spaghetti/spaghetti-o’s/chef Boyardee
  • Canned vegetables and canned meats
  • Macaroni and cheese individual cups
  • Vacuum sealed individual packages of chicken or tuna.
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