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Easter at MCPC – Sunrise Service at 7am

Join us for an Easter Sunrise Service at 7 am Easter Sunday. Weather permitting this service will be held OUTSIDE in the church Amphitheater. If the weather is an issue, we will move the service into the Sanctuary.

The annual Flower Cross will be up. Please bring flowers to add to the cross and feel free to take some pictures with the cross. We would love for you to tag us in your pictures if you like.

There will be coffee and light snacks following this service.
Sunday school will meet at 9:30 am if you feel like sticking around. The early service will meet at 8:30 am as usual and we will have our 10:30 service too.

From 85 – after turning on W Mallard Creek Church Rd pass the first entrance to the church and take the 2nd right. Park and walk through the grass across the parking lot from the church. You will see a sign at the edge of the wooded area.

From Prosperity Church Rd – take the 1st left into the church parking lot (before you pass the church). Park and walk through the grass across the parking lot from the church. You will see a sign at the edge of the wooded area.

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