All are welcome to join us in the Mallard Creek Church gym for yoga OR online on Zoom! Monday nights at 7pm. Our Director of Children and Youth Ministries, Andrea…
CHECK OUT A QUICK BIBLE STUDY ONLINE On the Mallard Creek Facebook page, we are running a daily meditation that will cover all 66 books of the Bible in 66 days. These meditations are meant to spur your curiosity and hopefully lead you to read (or re-read) the books in whole, finding the wisdom, direction,…
CHECK OUT A QUICK BIBLE STUDY ONLINE On the Mallard Creek Facebook page, we are running a daily meditation that will cover all 66 books of the Bible in 66 days. These meditations are meant to spur your curiosity and hopefully lead you to read (or re-read) the books in whole, finding the wisdom, direction,…
CHECK OUT A QUICK BIBLE STUDY ONLINE On the Mallard Creek Facebook page, we are running a daily meditation that will cover all 66 books of the Bible in 66 days. These meditations are meant to spur your curiosity and hopefully lead you to read (or re-read) the books in whole, finding the wisdom, direction,…
CHECK OUT A QUICK BIBLE STUDY ONLINE On the Mallard Creek Facebook page, we are running a daily meditation that will cover all 66 books of the Bible in 66 days. These meditations are meant to spur your curiosity and hopefully lead you to read (or re-read) the books in whole, finding the wisdom, direction,…