February Sermon Series: A Toolbox
For the month of February, we will be thinking about a toolbox of spiritual practices needed to best be able to follow Jesus’ mission statements from the last series.
There are four great tools for us to use:
The sacrament of Holy Communion binds us to God and to one another in a deep fellowship beyond anything humanly possible. The Holy Spirit works in and through the sacrament to connect us deeply, fully, and powerfully to God, Christ, and each other, enabling us to truly experience Jesus’ self-sacrificial compassion and empowering us to go and do likewise.
Prayer is our direct link to God. It is a lot more than some sort of spiritual ATM machine where we plug in our prayer card and God grants us all our wishes. Actually, prayer is our lifeline. We need to spend as much time in silence as we do speaking in prayer. Jesus only taught two prayers as essential—the Lord’s Prayer and the prayer of the publican (‘Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.’). Using these prayers, we can find deep peace and lasting comfort.
The Bible is one of the most widely owned and least used books ever composed. The Bible is the story of God’s interaction with the human race. It is our story, but it is also THE story—who we are, who God is, what God expects of us, and how we can live into God. We will look at ways to get the Bible off the bookshelf and into our lives.
Forgiveness is an art. It takes humility, patience, courage, and hope to really forgive someone. That is why when someone forgives us truly and authentically, it feels like a freedom we have never before experienced. It is the key to living into being the people Jesus would have us to be.
So, a small toolbox, but a strong one. Join us for this enriching series, online or in person!