Hope for a Weary World – A Service of Candle Light and Communion
The year 2020 is a year that we are ready to leave behind. It’s been a year of heightened racial tensions on a national level, stress and strain around our presidential election, and the outbreak of COVID-19. Yes, 2020 is a year that we are ready to leave behind. In the face of such a year as this, we need solace, comfort, and the reassurance that all will be well.
Individually, we need this kind of reassurance. We also need to be reassured as a community of faith. We need a place to gather together under one roof as we share in the hope that that Christian mystic Julia of Norwich in the year 1400,
“All Shall be Well,
And All Manner of Things
Shall be Well
For There is a Force of Love
Moving Through the Universe
That Holds Us Fast
And Will Never Let Us Go”
Join us on Sunday afternoon, December 20 at 4:00 in The Gathering Space for an experience of candle light, readings, music, prayer, and The Lord’s Supper as we share in the promise of our faith that God is still with us. For the sake of continuing to take precautions against COVID-19, we ask that you bring your own chair.