Registration is now open for 2023 VBS!
May 24, 2023/
I am so excited to share with you all that registration for VBS this year is NOW OPEN! Our theme this year is Hero Hotline, and it’s going to be a blast! VBS is June 25-29th from 6-8pm, with optional dinner at 5:30pm.
–> REGISTRATION: You can register your child at this link (Pre-K-5th grade), or register in-person after worship on Sundays at the table in the Gathering Space. PLEASE REGISTER BY JUNE 18 IF POSSIBLE.
- **Note**: Children ages 1-3 can register ONLY IF they have a parent who is volunteering at VBS every day during the week.
- Parents of registered children who wish to volunteer can use this form to sign up to volunteer, you do NOT need to fill out a separate volunteer form.
–> VOLUNTEERING: If you are NOT registering a child and would like to volunteer for VBS, please use this link: We need lots of teen and adult volunteers!
Our goal this year is to have 50 kids and 50 volunteers, and we need your help to make that happen! Please share this info with your friends and family. I would love to see a big turn-out for VBS this year!
Posted in Youth & Children