Hands-on opportunites to help others
At Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church, you’ll have many hands-on opportunities to serve others locally, nationally and even internationally. As disciples of Christ, we are called upon to “bear much fruit” through His message of love, sacrifice and forgiveness. Service to God takes many forms from mission endeavors to sharing resources and the Good News of Christ Jesus with our neighbors.

Backpack Blessings
Backpack Blessings Backpack Blessings is a ministry of Presbyterian Women and provides food for low-income students to take home each weekend. Mallard Creek started the program in 2015 and partners…

Become Part of Our Church Members rich in generosity, time and spirit develop and implement church ministries. Their collective efforts make Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church thrive. The following standing committees…

Our Missions Working Youth Mission Trip Help Rebuild Communities The MCPC Mission Trip began in 1992 and is for adults and youth age 14 and up (13 if accompanied by…

Prayer Quilt Ministry
Help Make Quilts for Those in Need It is the mission of the Mallard Creek Prayer Quilt Ministry to make quilts and give to those in physical need. It is…

Rise Against Hunger
Working together to End World Hunger Mallard Creek held their first packaging event in 2009 and since then has hosted twelve events and packaged over 200,000 meals to be distributed…