12 Steps for Disciples
For the next couple of months, we will be looking at 12 Steps for Disciples as a series of sermons.
Many folks are familiar with 12 Step groups—peer groups that help one another in recovery from some form of addiction. As the group works through the 12 steps, members become aware of themselves, their brokenness, their helplessness in the face of addiction, the harm they have done to themselves and others, and their need. In other words, they start with confession. But they do not stay there. Admitting the reality of who they are, they then move to make amends with those hurt, find hope in community, create a healthy dependence on God, and generally reorient their lives on the holy as they seek to heal themselves and those around them.
What some folks are not familiar with is that these 12 steps flow from Jesus’ model of discipleship. Jesus’ gospel is rooted in other-centered, self-sacrificial compassion. It begins with an understanding of our own brokenness within a broken world, seeing that without God, we are lost, isolated, and alienated from ourselves, our neighbors, and our God. Again, it starts with confession. But it moves from there. Once we know the welcoming reception of grace, we move to make amends, reconnect to the world, and find our way by centering on God and God’s love that makes us whole, well, and able.
We will take our time, taking a look at each and every step, making sure we know what is needed for us to be better disciples more able to follow Christ our Lord.
Join us!