Ash Wednesday Drive-Thru
Remember the Drive-Thru Communion we offered last spring? We are offering a similar worship opportunity on Ash Wednesday, February 17, from 12:00noon to 1:00pm and from 5:00pm to 6:00pm for those unable to join us for our Ash Wednesday Vesper Service which is later that evening at 7:00.
In order to protect against spreading the Coronavirus, each car will be given a personal container of ashes and invited to place ashes on their own foreheads as one of our Pastors offers prayers. Each vehicle will also be given a Lenten Bag containing objects and suggested spiritual practices for this sacred season.
Our Pastors will be in masks, and we ask that you please wear a mask so that we might continue our practice of protecting one another. Please enter the church parking lot on the I-85 side of the church and exit on the Trader Joe’s side.