Seasons of Change
Change! The last two years seem to have been all about change. Some people are constantly looking for change in their lives, while others prefer things to stay the same. We have had something for everyone in the last two years – everything has changed, and yet some things never seem to be over! I know I have felt significant change: I have been a hospital chaplain for many years, and now I’m working on a church staff in a vibrant church. I should probably say “vibrant CHANGING church”! Mallard Creek PC is not unique in having to make numerous adjustments over the past two years; but as I come from the outside looking in, it is clear MCPC has handled this better than most. So, for me, though change can be scary, it can also create new beginnings. That does not mean throwing out the old, but instead, adding to the story; opening more doors; creating new opportunities. I certainly don’t intend to abandon all that I have learned and developed as a chaplain. Why would the church have called me if it wasn’t, in part, for that experience?
But I have the opportunity now to learn and grow and add to my story.
In the same way, this congregation has had to do things differently over the past two years – probably more so than at any time in its history. Thankfully, the old has not been thrown out to make those adjustments. This church has built upon a tremendous sense of care, commitment, and outreach – it has continued to be a beacon of the Gospel. This has not always been easy, but with creativity, flexibility, and determination (with a significant assist from those who had the foresight to get this church so well set up with technology), the ministry has continued and grown. While this congregation has continued to care for each other and the broader community, new doors have been opened and new opportunities have been embraced. That is change we can be excited about!
As you get to know me, you will know how much I love history, and this church is rich with it. We’re here today because of it. And I want to learn more about it – not just to recreate the past, but to build upon it, see new possibilities, and feel God’s compassion and challenge in all our lives.
Thank you all for the warm welcome! And thank you for your patience as I learn the ins and outs of this new role! And most of all, thank you in advance for all that you will teach me and that we will learn together. Grace and Peace in Christ.
By Pastor Hunter Roddey