“What a Difference a Year Makes’
We tried something a little different in our Fourth of July worship last week. We intentionally created a service that was more prayer-focused. Not that we don’t always pray during worship. But on this particular Sunday, we slowed our pace, allowed for more silence, and set aside a space within the service for writing prayers of thanksgiving for our nation. If you had been with us, what might your prayer have included?
Last year on the Fourth, we were under lock and key (not really, but it felt that way to some of us), firmly discouraged from celebrating the Fourth of July with anyone other than those in our own homes. Yes, what a difference a year makes as this year we were given the green light to mix and mingle around outside grills and swimming pools with friends and families as we geared up to watch the always spectacular explosions of fireworks in the evening sky. Rob and I drove to Waynesville to spend the Fourth with our daughter and soon to be son-in-law. As we drove home in the evening, we were treated to explosions of fireworks in the sky on both sides of the interstate.
What a difference a year makes.
I don’t know about you, but I can easily move forward without pausing long enough to give thanks to God for the difference between this Fourth and the last one. I can go about my life, fully immersed in the holiday, having the luxury of not setting my alarm, relaxing on the patio, enjoying the pleasure of a good meal with out of town family, and being treated to a light show int he evening sky.
There is nothing wrong with soaking in these pleasures. God’s desire for its is that we live contented and fully lives. But there is a problem when I don’t give thanks to God for the difference that a year makes. There is a problem when I don’t give God credit for the production of vaccines which make possible my and your and our being able to celebrate this holiday, and every holiday, really.
So perhaps you could take a few moments, just a few moments, and write a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the difference that a year makes. And, if you feel so moved, bring your prayer by the church office and add it to our collage in the Gathering Area.